The entire collection of pieces from the English version of The Guitar Book in one downloadable PDF songbook.
The Return from Fingal Voyage pour l'Irlande The Rakkish Paddy Le Lendemain de la Fete Pres de Paris/Reels La Danse du Capricorne De Trilport a Fublaines Heman Dubh Maurice au Pays des Merveilles Clémentine Mandarine & Reine Claude Merrily Kissed the Quaker/Cunla Murtagh McKann The Pure Drop/the Flax in Bloom Le Moulin a Parfums d’Emmanuelle Water Music Le Voyage pour l’Irlande (2nd version) Le Lac des Abbesses Digital/Hekimoglu Climats Doux et Temperes Suite Flamande aux Pommes La Marche du Sonneur Egare Sí Beag, Sí Mór Santa Monica Au Jardin d’Amour Solilai Jesus Joy of Man’s Desiring Nice Feeling Bamboule Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum
Technical Excercices: Arpeggios, the Harp Effect, Stretches/Attacks, Harmonics, Major Scale with Harp Effect.